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Immortal Day Logo
July 4 2024 12:01:17 am

July 4th

Happy Independence Day for all our American players! We have some special events for everyone today. 1. Water Slide in the Travel Center 2. Russian Roulette Tournaments will be running throughout the day. Keep an eye out for them. 3. Jail Bust Competition: Who can bust the most other players out of Capture on July 4th? Scoring can be found in the Hall of Fame. 4. Today we are bouncing around a beach ball to the online players. If you get an event that the ball has come your way, click to keep it up in the air and hit it to the next Immortal. The Immortals involved in the longest run of the day will win a prize, so keep your eyes on your event notices! If you get caught holding the ball for too long, you will find yourself in the recovery. 5. Lastly, we have the Fireworks Extravaganza: An Individual player game where Players search the Citygrid or Mines to find the Fireworks. Once they are found you can shoot them off using a Mini Lighter purchased at the Mining and Misc shop. There are 3 types of Fireworks to be found and you get points depending on the type, but you will need your Health in order to shoot them off!

Of course the 2024 Independence Day Donator Pack is still for sale so make sure you snag one. Have a fantastic Day! N

Immortal Day Logo
July 3 2024 10:52:22 am

Now Open

Nikitas Nook is now open in New York featuring July 4th Independence Day Collectibles. It will remain open through the 5th. N

Immortal Day Logo
March 31 2024 12:01:01 am


Happy Easter Everyone! Today we are having an Easter Egg Hunt on the Citygrid. There are two parts to the event. First, throughout the day, I will be hiding giant Easter eggs at a rate of one per hour. If you find one, you will receive 50 Donator Tokens. I even hid two right now just to start things off. Once you find one, you will be disqualified from finding another. Second, also throughout the day, thousands (Yes Thousands) of Easter eggs will be hidden on the grid. The more you find, the more points you score. Make sure to visit the Hall of Fame. The top 20 players who find the most eggs on the grid will win prizes. Be aware, Wolf Venom is disabled today for the event.

Immortal Day Logo
March 30 2024 12:01:01 am


Nikitas Nook is now open in London selling Easter collectibles.

Immortal Day Logo
March 17 2024 12:01:44 am

St Patricks Day 2024

Happy St Patricks Day Everyone. By now you should be aware that the St Pats DPs are available. You may (or may not) be aware that Nikitas Nook is open in New York. Looking for special events? I have two things for you today. 1. I invite you to join in the Four-Leaf Clover Hunt in game today. As you play you can find Clover and Shamrocks throughout the game. What you really want to find are the three different types of Four-Leaf Clover. If you do, prizes await you like gold/platinum, Blood of the Ancients and Vampire Venom! 2. I am hiding 30 Pots of Gold in the mines today. Half now and half at Noon. Some pots contain 1,000 Gold Pieces, some contain 2,000 Gold Pieces, and some contain 5,000 Gold Pieces. Find them, and the gold is yours. I have coded the system to only let an individual find 1 pot of gold each.... Have to spread the wealth around ya know. Good luck and shake your shamrocks! N

Immortal Day Logo
February 14 2024 12:01:26 am

Valentines Day 2024

Happy Valentines Day Immortals. Just a few things to note for you today.

1) Nikitas Nook is now open and the Valentines Day DP is still available for sale.
2) Full Hearts War: Two Teams, randomly selected by the game. You start with an Empty Heart and Mine or Walk the City Grid to find Love Capsules. You have to use 3 Love Capsules on members of an opposing team to get a Full Heart. Once you have a Full Heart it is credited to your team! A Full Heart does not only get your team a point, it also will give you an Endurance boost to keep going spreading the love along with a piece of Gold or Platinum! So get those Full Hearts for you and your team because the team with the most Full Hearts wins! Keep an eye on that hall of fame.
3) All players should keep an eye out in the mines for Cupids Arrows. These are non-collectible special event items. The 30 Top Immortals who find the most Cupids arrows today will receive prizes.

Have a loving day!

Immortal Day Logo
December 24 2023 11:59:56 pm

Christmas Day

Ho Ho Ho. Merry Christmas. If you wanted to learn more about todays special events, you have come to the right place. First, we have the Snowman Challenge. If you think you can build the biggest snowman in the game, seek out more information with the link found on the Explore page. Also on the Explore page, you will find a link to this years Tree Trimming Contest. Who will win this year? Rudolph, Santa, or Bumble?? For this contest you Bust people out of jail, Heal people out of recovery or BE NICE to people after a fight for the trimmings and then choose which tree to decorate with your spoils. Of course, prizes will be awarded to the best Tree Trimmers. Lastly, the Christmas Hedge Maze is now open. The Hedge Maze is a traditional labyrinth where Immortals can enter in search of 14 Christmas Trees. Can you find them all? As with the other events, look for information via the Explore page. I hope everyone here, as well as your families, have a wonderful Christmas day. Nikita

Immortal Day Logo
December 23 2023 11:59:56 pm

Christmas Eve

Hello Immortals. For those of you who many not be around for Christmas tomorrow, we have a special Christmas Eve event. It is time to catch the Grinches! Throughout the game today you will see little Grinches pop up trying to steal Immortal Holiday Cheer! No one wants that so be sure to grab the little buggers whenever you see them by clicking on their images. Once you catch them you can ransom them back to Santa for Exploding Candy Canes! Top Grinch Catchers will win prizes but be careful those Grinches are slippery!

Special Note: I almost pulled this event, feeling I had too much planned which would lead to excessive prizes. I decided to run all the planned events, but if you are the hyper competitive type, know this. Players who are highly ranked in multiple Christmas events may have their event prizes leveled out a bit. If I think a player or players combined prizes from multiple events is too much, I leave myself the option to make what I deem fair adjustments.

Immortal Day Logo
December 23 2023 1:29:43 pm

Christmas Stuff

Are you the type of Immortal who loves quests and/or loves questing? You might be interested in visiting the North Pole to find one-of-a-kind collectibles at Nikitas Nook. To get there, you will need to complete a quest. You can get started via the link on the Explore page. The Nook will be open in the North Pole through Christmas. N

P.S. Merry Christmas To Me DPs have been for sale for a couple days now and will remain up for Christmas.

Immortal Day Logo
November 17 2023 9:55:43 am

Thanksgiving Football Pool

Looking for some action this coming Thanksgiving? I have opened up a Football Pool for the games. This is a betting event, but it is different from the traditional Immortal Sportsbook. Check it out! Nikita

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