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Immortal Day Logo
August 18 2017 12:05:07 am

Total Eclipse Donator Pack

Immortals - We have a special Donator Pack for sale through Monday to honor the Total Solar Eclipse occurring on August 21st. If you are as excited for this event as we are, grab one of these packs and the specialty DP icon that comes with it! Its a rare occasion for the Moon to reign supreme in the daylight sun!

Full Disclosure, we have another special event planned later in the month which includes a second specialty donator pack so you might keep that in mind when donating.

Immortal Day Logo
July 4 2017 12:00:29 am

July 4th

Good Morning Immortals!

If you are American, Happy 4th of July! All are invited to our Backyard Barbecue Event!

Backyard Barbecues are all about FOOD and we have plenty of it for you today! Violets Varieties is stocked with 15 new food items for you to enjoy! We have everything from Baked Potato Salad to BBQ Bloody Marys to Ribs to Grilled Donuts, so it is a shop you do not want to miss!

We have 2 Donator Packs on sale for you to take advantage of. Both have super useful items for you to maximize your game play:

The Backyard Barbecue pack has a Bloody Mary Icon, 200 IQ, 6 Hot Sauce items (Allows you to break through Hounds!), 6 Catchup items (Increases your max will by 20% for 20 minutes!) and 30 days of the other Donator Perks!

The Get Swimsuit Ready pack is a favorite among Immortals! It has 10 Determination Fermentations that instantly take your Will to 500% and 10 Boosted Blood of the Ancients, which are twice as effective as regular BOA!

The Patriotic Profile Pic Thread is going strong in the forums, so if you have not already changed your Display Picture to something patriotic for your home country then do it now and be sure to post in the thread so you can get some goodies!

If all that stuff was not enough for you, we have even more! The Two awesome events taking place today are the Species Water Balloon Fight and the Fireworks Extravaganza!

For the Water Balloon War players will have to find Deflated Balloons throughout the game. Once you find them you have to fill your balloons at The Water Fountain on the Explore page! Once those Water Balloons are filled you can fire them away at your opponents!

You can only fill 4 Water Balloons at a time with regular water. However there is another option to fill your Water Balloon with HOT Water. Filling your Balloon with Hot Water costs 25% of your Energy and you can only have 1 Hot Water Balloon at a time. Hot Water Balloons scald players and force them into Recovery for 10 Minutes in addition to scoring 3 points for your team! If you get a successful hit with your cold Water Balloon one of two things will happen; the balloon will hit them without breaking for 1 point or it will hit them and break for 2 points!

There is a sneaky third option that can occur and that is that when you go to throw your balloon it breaks and soaks you instead. When that happens a point is deducted from your teams score.

The Fireworks Extravaganza is an Individual player game where Players search the Citygrid or Mines to find the Fireworks. Once they are found you can shoot them off using a Mini Lighter purchased at the Mining and Misc shop. There are 3 types of Fireworks to be found and you get points depending on the type, but you will need your Health in order to shoot them off!

Since this is an Individual game the Top 15 players with the most Fireworks Points in the Hall of Fame will be awarded Prizes!

Good luck to everyone and have fun Eating, Training, Breaking through Hellhounds, Throwing Water Balloons and shooting off Fireworks!!!

Immortal Day Logo
July 2 2017 7:04:21 pm

July 4th

Immortals. I have just launched our Immortal Day July 4th Donator Packs. Please know the Hot Sauce item is not yet ready. It has been delayed due to the time spent investigating our server problems this weekend. But the Donator Packs are up for Sale, as we know players like to get their hands on these specialty DP Icons as soon as possible. We will get the Hot Sauce item working as soon as we can, tomorrow probably. Nikita.

Immortal Day Logo
May 29 2017 9:55:24 am

The Birthday Party is over :(

Good Morning Immortals!

Violets Birthday Celebration is now over. We hope you had lots of fun hunting down and finding the Fifteen Shades of Violet, shopping for Purple goodies in Violets Varieties and drinking each other under the table in the Over/Under The Table game!

Your Collectibles can be added to your Cabinets now and if you would be so kind as to visit the Poll Center and cast your votes, there are 3 new polls pertaining to the Birthday events that I would love to get your opinions on.

Thank you so much to you all for helping me celebrate my birthday and for all the lovely Happy Birthday wishes you sent me!

My love to you all!

Immortal Day Logo
May 27 2017 12:56:20 am

Violets Birthday Celebration

Now that everything is sorted we can tell you about todays additions to the Birthday celebration!

The Fifteen Shades of Violet event is on! For this event you will need to search the game using the clues available to guess the game equivalent of 15 aspects, or shades, of Violets personality. Sometimes the links will be more obvious than others and some links will be within links, so warm up those investigative brain cells and find the shades! Once you do a graphic image will be matched to that shade and on to the next one you go. Please do NOT share with others where you found the shade, that is not sporting and can get you disqualified. This is an event for a prize and when you find all 15 shades I am willing to divulge you will be rewarded!

The Over/Under the Table drinking game challenge is back! We always have tons of fun with that, so eat a big steak and then challenge people to see who has the savvy to out drink their opponent! No worries, we will call a virtual Lyft to get you home, so dont hold back! ;)

Remember to get your hands on the lovely Donator Pack with the Purple YinYang Icon and the awesome Purple Tennis Balls and Duct Tape items to pelt and bind your enemies...or possibly your friends, respectively!

Violets Varieties is selling purple pretties like purple hotcakes so get over there and stuff your cabinets full of the purple delights provided!

Have fun with the celebrations there is lots of drinking and searching and purple revelry to be had!!

Immortal Day Logo
May 26 2017 12:06:08 am

Violets Birthday Celebration

Good Morning Immortals!

For the next three days we are celebrating Violets Birthday! (Thank you Nikita) Most of you know what that means, but for those of you who do not, get ready for a LOT of Purple Power!!

We have a brand new Birthday Donator Pack for you to enjoy with a Purple YinYang Icon that represents the dual nature of our lives along with 2 exceptional collectible items! The first is the long awaited Purple Tennis Ball! This item allows you to pelt another user with a Purple Tennis Ball and sends them the message -I wish I could throw a shit ton of tennis balls at you until you cried.- This is a reference back to the early days on Immortal Night and some truly excellent forum banter. The second usable collectible item is a current creation...Purple Duct Tape! This Duct Tape has the power to bind your enemy so they cannot land any blows in a fight! (Cannot be used in wars. One time use item.) This item is truly special and can be a tremendous asset if used wisely!

Two special Event modules will be released tomorrow. Stay Tuned for them this Saturday.

Violets birthday would not be complete without a Violets Varieties Birthday Shop featuring all Purple Items! Wooo Yeah!! IF purple is not your particular shade of awesome (shame on you :P), you will probably want to steer clear of the shop, but if it is, get ready to party! We have 10 brand spankin new perfectly perfect purple products for you to spend your hard earned mugging spoils on, including Purple Roller Skates *squee* and Purple Spiky Pumps, which I may have to be buried in once Immortality has run its course! We also have a Violet Cocktail that looks divine and an I Bleed Purple Mug that just might take the cake...and you know how much I love cake. The shades of Purple Cupcake takes care of that particular obsession nicely, so be sure to get your fill of the goods and remember...its my birthday but its your party! Have fun and celebrate!

Happy Birthday to me and wherever in the year yours falls...Happy Birthday to YOU!

- Violet

Immortal Day Logo
April 16 2017 12:01:01 am

Immortal Day Anniversary

Happy 3rd Anniversary Immortals!

Today is the day and for it we are bringing back the Champagne Blast Species War!

When we ran this war for the first Anniversary the hunters won, lets see if they can repeat their success or if another Species can blast enough corks to gain the title!

There are three ways to win points, so it fits right into our theme of threes. You get ONE point for spraying your target with Champagne, TWO points for hitting them with the cork and THREE points for hitting them with the cork AND spraying them with Champagne!

Champagne Bottles can be found all around the game for you to use on your opponents. This is a great war that everyone can participate in regardless of stats or level so be sure to score as many points as you can for your team because not only will the winning team score trophies, but the [b]Top 3 scorers of EACH Species[/b] will be awarded additional prizes!

If you havent already gotten your Year 3 Player Achievement Award, you are going to want to take part in this war to get one!

The Raffle winners were picked today. Head to the Raffle Center to see if you were one of the lucky ones! Violets Varieties and the 3rd Anniversary Pack are also available through today, so snap up the goodies while you still can!

We hope you all have a great time celebrating the Immortal Day 3 Year Anniversary! We love you and thank you all for being a part of this wonderful community!

Happy Anniversary!!!

Immortal Day Logo
April 15 2017 12:01:01 am

Immortal Day Anniversary

Good Morning Immortals!

We have more news for you regarding the 3rd Anniversary celebrations:

- Violets Varieties has been opened in LONDON with a bunch of Anniversary goodies for you to enjoy, including a new weapon, that I personally cannot wait to get my hands on, and 2 new armors!

- The 3s Company vs. 3s A Crowd Challenge is here! This is a very different challenge for us Immortals. We have culled Immortals based on some activity parameters as best as we realistically can and placed them into teams of 3. Each team then gets assigned a city to walk the grid in. The goal is to find as many Crystals (the more modern gift of the 3rd anniversary) as you can as a team! Check the Hall of Fame for information on your team, teammates, and what city to search in.

You are only as good as your weakest team member as prizes will be awarded based off of the highest total crystals per team with the lowest amount of crystals being the measuring stick.

For Example:
Team 1
Player A - 80 Crystals
Player B - 60 Crystals
Player C - 75 Crystals
The lowest number of Crystals found was 60. So as a team you get credit for 180 Crystals even tho players A and C earned more than 60.

Top 5 teams of 3 who meet the parameters will win a prize! You over achievers dont despair, an additional prize will be awarded to the top 3 players who find the most crystals overall! Participating in this event provides the first opportunity to win your Year 3 Player Achievement Award!!

- Remember: The 3rd year Anniversary Packs are still on sale and the Battle Royale Tournaments are underway, so be sure to mind those. This is also the last day to get your Raffle tickets to win that Raffle only Collectible!

Have fun today Immortals, but there is even more to come!

Immortal Day Logo
April 14 2017 12:00:28 am

Immortal Day Anniversary Week

It is time for another Battle Royale Tournament! The Tournament will take place over a two day period consisting of two Rounds, so you need to sign up now for it to fill the time slots up. There will be 8 games of 8 players in the first round. Please note these will be fast paced rounds so make sure you will be available in that time slot to take your turn. Round 1 games take place on the 15th and the Final round occurs on the 16th at Noon. The final round will not be fast paced, allowing more time for the top competitors to compete.

Immortal Day Logo
April 13 2017 12:01:01 am

Immortal Day Anniversary

Good Morning Immortals!

Today we get started on Immortal Days 3rd Anniversary!!

Traditionally the presents for the Third Anniversary are Leather and you will see that theme a few times throughout our celebration including the 3D Leather Three Icon offered in the 3 Year Anniversary Donator Pack!

The pack itself is all about threes with 300 Gold Pieces, 300 IQ, 3 Blood of the Ancients, 3 Boosted Blood of the Ancients, 3 Determination Fermentations and a 3rd Anniversary Plaque Collectible item!

The traditional Anniversary Raffle opens today with 30 Prize places full of the 3 Monkeys Skeleton Statue Anniversary Collectible that you wont be able to get anywhere else! The top 3 prizes also boast Anniversary packs, so make sure to get your tickets and get in the running! The prize winners will be selected on the 16th!

Keep your eyes out for more Anniversary events as we get our Third year celebration under way!

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