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Immortal Day Logo
February 14 2016 12:00:33 am

Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day Immortals!

We hope you are enjoying the celebrations so far and that you are wearing your Love or your Hate Dice proudly and rolling the dice to spread the love or hate around to your fellow Immortals!

We would like to remind you that if you would like to submit a Couples Bio into the contest that you need to sign up in the forums and have your Bios completed by tonight. Again, both spouses need to have a Perk Pack in use for you to have a Couples Bio.

Violets Varieties will be open through today with some really fabulous items, we are all having a tough time picking favorite items from this shop, so you definitely dont want to miss out on these goodies.

Get on over to the Carnival and play your little hearts out for those V-Day points so you can win the Special Valentines Collectible Prizes. The limits have been raised so you can really work towards those prizes of your choice!

Today we have another event to add for you! The Four Legged Race has returned! You and your spouse sign up to race 4 other couples. You will then both have to complete the hurdles ahead of the other couples to win. Races will take place one after the other and the couples that win the race will get a prize! Note: Your Spouse must be an active participant in order for the race to progress. The race cannot complete itself if your Spouse is inactive, so dont sign up for the race is your spouse is offline. Otherwise Race on!

We hope you have a great time today with our Valentines celebrations and if you will be entering any contests...Good Luck!

Immortal Day Logo
February 13 2016 12:18:12 am

Valentines Day

Good Morning Immortals and Happy almost Valentines Day!

Sorry for the delayed bulletin, thats my fault (Violet). Okay to business... Today we add to our celebration we have two awesome Donator Packs. The Love Pack and the Hate Pack! Whichever way you roll you are a winner because in these packs are dice that you can roll to support your chosen lifestyle. One gives you ideas on how to promote love and kindness and the other promotes hate and a bit of discord...of course within the rules! The awesome packs also come with a Love Dice and Hate Dice special icon respectively for a little twist on the familiar theme!

We are spreading the love at the Carnival today and tomorrow with Valentines Day points! With these points you can earn special collectible Carnival prizes only available on these two days! In order for you to rack up the points, the daily limits on plays have been increased. Get to winning and earning your sweetheart, or yourself, some fantastic V-day prizes!

Violets Varieties is open in London with all new Valentines and Anti-Valentines...and a couple neutral, good for any time, items! Open today and tomorrow only, so dont wait to stock up!

For those of you that are interested, remember the Couples Bio contest sign up takes place in the General Discussion forum and BOTH spouses need to have a Perk Pack in use in order to have the shared Couples Bio!

Happy early Valentines Day, and keep a look out for more events! Have fun!

Immortal Day Logo
February 10 2016 1:59:05 pm

Valentines Day Contest

Hello Immortals!

As part of our Valentines celebrations this year we are introducing the Couples Bio Contest! What does that mean exactly? Well if both you and your spouse have a Perk Pack in use, you will now have a Couples Bio to share between you!

The point is to edit this Bio and let us know who you are as a couple. The fields are a little different than the regular Bio and are geared toward helping you tell your story. You can then submit your Couples Bio and be eligible to win prizes!! Submissions for the couples Bio will be taken through Valentines day (in the Forum) and be available for viewing until the end of February, so get your creativity hat on and present who you are as a couple to the Immortal world!

Immortal Day Logo
February 1 2016 12:01:01 am


The Immortal Night Sportsbook is open once again. Looking to place a bet? Go check it out!

Have a great week!

Immortal Day Logo
January 22 2016 12:01:01 am

New Years Resolutions

Did you make a Resolution for New Years? Already forgotten about it? Can not be bothered to make a Resolution knowing there is no way that you will last the whole year with something after you lose that initial excitement? Well Immortals, have we got something for you! A quick shot of Resolution that will help you get to where you wanna go without the hassle of a wait! We give you three Resolution Packs that are sure to help you achieve your goals the quick and easy way! The three packs are: Get In Shape! - Boosted BOA and Determination Fermentations make training a snap!, To Smoke Em or Not to Smoke Em! - Get it done safely and in good health! and The Organized All In One Pack - Get both Donator Days and Perk Days all from one pack! These packs will be available in the Donator Section from January 22nd to January 24th! Resolve to get your hands on these convenient and easy to use packs before they are gone!

Also, time is running out to make bets in the Sportsbook for this Sunday so head on over!

Immortal Day Logo
January 15 2016 12:01:01 am

First Time Donators

First off, if you have not noticed it, the Immortal Day Sportsbook is currently open. The link can be found on the Explore Page.

Secondly, have you considered donating but have not yet supported the game? There has never been a better time. For the next three days, Immortals who Donate to Immortal Day for the FIRST TIME, will receive Double Tokens (Max 250). Donations go to support the costs of running the game: Advertising, Server Costs, and Game Development. This Bonus is being processed manually, so please be Patient while Nikita gets the bonus tokens to you.

Immortal Day Logo
December 31 2015 5:36:12 pm

Happy New Years Etc

Happy New Years Everyone. We hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable evening and a fantastic new years. We also wanted to let players know the Minions system will re-open tomorrow at noon for Q1 2016.

Immortal Day Logo
December 26 2015 12:01:27 am

Christmas Is Over...Mostly

Happy Boxing Day Immortals!

Sadly, most of our Christmas events have now concluded. The Ornament Fight has ended with the Lycans proving victorious with 26,464 Points! Congratulations to them and thank you to all who participated.

The Fruitcake Frenzy is over as well with the Top Ten all very close in the efforts to Force Feed their fellow Immortals that blasted Fruitcake! Thanks for helping us get rid of that beastie! The Holiday House Banner competition is also closed for submissions. Thank you to all who took the time to create a special banner!

The Quest to The North Pole is over, but for those who have found it, Violets Varieties will be open until the end of today! The 12 Sales of Christmas have concluded, but the DP and Scratchers will also be available through the end of today. Please be patient for Prizes to be awarded, as this is a busy time of year.

Thank you to all who have chosen to spend a bit of your holiday celebrations with us. We hope you had a wonderful time both here and at home and have had a Merry Christmas! We look forward to celebrating together next year as well!

Immortal Day Logo
December 25 2015 12:04:54 am

Merry Christmas

Wouldn't you know, forgot the most important parts (Bulletin #2). The day has finally arrived after much anticipation and we have a bunch of fun things to do to celebrate this festive time of year! In addition to the 12 day of Christmas Sale, today we launch the Ornament Fight, where the Species set themselves against each other in a riot of flung Ornaments! Battle other players to steal the Ornaments off of their Trees and then Throw them at members of the Opposite Species to score points!

We are also introducing Fruitcake Frenzy!
As a holiday goof the Ancients have bestowed upon us a giant Fruitcake. I mean giant. And this stuff is basically inedible, but we're stuck with it unless we can get rid of it, so we've come up with a plan. In the Christmas spirit all of you lovely Immortals are going to force feed it to each other! =D The first step would be to chop off a hunk of Fruitcake...harder than it sounds and the second step would be to go to the Profile of a player of your choosing and try and Force Feed it to them! Super fun right and good for a laugh! There are some rules around attempting to do this, so be sure to read the information on the Fruitcake Frenzy page. In addition to the pure delight of forcing the horrid substance on your fellow Immortals, the Top 10 Immortals who do the most Force Feeding will get an extra prize!

Reminders, in case you missed them:
The Christmas DP is on sale through tomorrow...this awesome pack has the first ever gif icon of the Blinking Christmas Light, in addition to the truly outstanding Determination Fermentation, that instantly increases your Will to 500% along with Blood of the Ancients and a Christmas Collectible!

The very fesitive Holiday Scratch Ticket that pays out in Blood of the Ancients is on sale through tomorrow as well. The North Pole Quest is still available and if you complete that, Violets Varieties Christmas Shop with all its holiday glory is available to you for purchase some fantastic Christmas and Holiday goodies and collectibles!

Today is also the last day to submit your Holiday House Banners, and if you havent already, just keep in mind that Santa can be generous and get your House Banner in for consideration!

We hope you have fun today with our events and thank you for choosing to spend some of your holiday with us on the Immortal Games!
Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday!

Immortal Day Logo
December 25 2015 12:02:44 am

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Immortals!

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas Sales the Admins offered me...

4 Christmas Scratch Tickets for only 50 tokens!
(Enter Quantity 4 in the Select Box for Holiday Scratchers, and get them for 50 tokens instead of 50.)

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