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February 12 2017 11:59:48 pm

Valentines Day

As most of you have probably seen, we have a fantastic Valentines Day Donator Pack up for sale. But the main reason for this bulletin is to inform everyone that Violets Varieties is now open in London! Visit the shop now for some fantastic specialty items! Get them while they last!

Immortal Day Logo
February 3 2017 10:44:27 am

Immortal Day Sportsbook

The Immortal Day Sportsbook is Now Open. There is a relatively short window to place your bets before Sunday. The Sportsbook closes to new bets as of Noon on Sunday.

Immortal Day Logo
January 28 2017 12:00:06 am

Chinese New year

Happy Chinese New Year!

Also called the Spring Festival, Chinese New Year is celebrated by one fifth of the world! This year we celebrate the year of the Rooster, so we have a Donator Pack offering for you with a Rooster Head Icon along with 36 Fortune Cookies that refill both Energy and Cunning, 12 Firecrackers that scare money out of people, A Lucky Red Envelope Collectible that you can find money in if you open it and 600 Gold Pieces to help you with your celebrations!

Roosters are Observant, hardworking, resourceful, courageous, talented and they are also thought to drive away Bad Spirits. Hopefully they can serve as a totem and help us with that as today we have Bad Spirits on the lose in our world trying to weaken our health and cause us to spend our day in Recovery!

If a Bad Spirit is chasing you, you will have a period of 5 minutes to locate and light a Chinese Lantern on the City Grid in any city to drive it off. If you do not drive off the Bad Spirit, you will find yourself in Recovery for quite a while. If you are very lucky and find a Rare Dragon Kite, no Bad Spirits can harm you for a whole hour! For every Four Bad Spirits you drive off, you will get a Lucky Chinese Coins Collectible item!

Good Luck and Happy Chinese New Year!

Immortal Day Logo
December 26 2016 12:00:40 am

Christmas Is Over

Happy Boxing Day Immortals! Congratulations to the Lycans winning the Snowball Fight Species war with 1,330 Points! It was a very close battle all day and right until the end! It might not have been if even half of the over 2,000 Snowballs sitting in peoples inventories had been thrown.

At any rate we hope you had fun with this and all the other Holiday Events we had going on this year. We know its a rather abrupt end to all the hubbuballoo, but it is now over. *sad face* Trophies for the Snowball Fight winners are forthcoming as are prizes for the Top Tens and the Holiday House Banners. Please be patient with these.

We hope you had a very safe, happy and above all Merry Christmas!

Immortal Day Logo
December 25 2016 12:00:46 am

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas Immortals!

The day is finally here to have a SNOWBALL FIGHT! Oh yeah! This is a Species war and we all know how those work. Throughout the game today you will find Snowballs. Your job is to fling them at members of an opposing Species and score points for your team! It gets even better tho. If you are feeling really ambitions and want to get more bang for your Snow-buck then you can add Lumps of Coal to your snowball and score event more points with a successful hit! You will have to mine for the coal to stuff inside your Snowballs. (Again, please participate with a spirit of fair play. Auto refreshers, mutli-tab refreshers etc. could disqualify you.) Whichever species earns the most points will win the Snowball Fight! The Top Ten Points earners will win extra prizes!

We would also like to remind you that today is the last day for submissions for the House Banner contest, The North Pole Quest and Violets Varieties, The Magic Frosty and Fire and Ice events, the Christmas Polls and the Holiday Donator offerings. Be sure not to miss out on any of this great stuff because Christmas only comes once a year, so lets Celebrate the heck out of it!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all!

Immortal Day Logo
December 24 2016 12:00:16 am

Christmas Eve

Happy Christmas Eve Immortals!

Hopefully you have completed the North Pole Quest, but if not there is still time! Remember, you need to complete this quest not only to get to Violets Varieties and all the amazing Collectible goodies in there but also those Christmas Rubies that will be necessary for the Fire and Ice Mission event that is launching today!

Our Immortal Christmas tree with all the gifts for all the Immortals has been sucked into a magic portal and frozen over with Arctic Legend Ice! ACK!! Break through it in the Fire and Ice Mission where you will need to trade those Christmas Rubies for other items you will need to get through the Portal and your Immortal Christmas Present!

Want more presents? Well the Magic Frosty game can help you out! Frosty is a magical Snowman that is bopping all around or Immortal world. Your job is to catch him and snatch his coal eyes in order to crush them and see if there are diamonds inside! If you find Coal Diamonds you can exchange them in the Hall of Presents for gifts! Coal Diamonds will be removed after the event, so you dont need to hang on to them for your Collectible Cabinets. Exchange those suckers for presents! You definitely want to do this because you can also get Christmas Rubies from the Frosty gifts and in addition the top 5 Coal Diamond finders will also get an extra gift! Woohoo! (Please be sure to use ethical practices when participating in this event. We would not want to disqualify anyone due to the use of auto refreshers, mutli-tab refreshers etc.)

Make sure to cast your vote on the Christmas Polls in the poll center, which will get you Rubies (You need every one you can get your hands on!)and also remember to vote for us for real on the Voting sites for gold rewards!

The Holiday House Banner contest is still taking submissions in the Announcements and Updates forum and that the Christmas sale offerings are still available on the Donator page! Click on that to see everything thats available!

This is getting exciting! Christmas is coming, Christmas is coming, Christmas is on its way....and so are more events so look out for more and celebrate the holiday with us while you do!

Immortal Day Logo
December 23 2016 12:00:38 am

Christmas Let The Fun Begin

Happy day before Christmas Eve Immortals!

We are continuing on with our holiday celebrations today with a North Pole Quest (See The Soul Collector) that will lead you to Violets Varieties Shop in the North Pole! This quest will not only get you to the goodies of the shop, and believe me there are lots of goodies (see my shop thread in the swap meet forum and youll see), it will also get you some Christmas Rubies! You NEED these Christmas Rubies to participate in another Holiday event coming up, so HANG ON TO THEM because you will need every single one you get!!!

Not only will you get the Christmas Rubies from the North Pole Quest, but you will also get them from casting your vote in the THREE (3) Christmas Polls up in the Poll Center on the Explore page! Be sure to head over there and tell us your Christmas preferences, so you can get your hands on those Rubies!

This is also a reminder that the Holiday House Banner contest is still taking submissions in the Announcements and Updates forum and that the Christmas sale offerings are still available on the Donator page! Click on that to see everything thats available!

There are so many good things going on its almost unbelievable that there could be more, but there will be so stay tuned and pump up that holiday spirit!

Immortal Day Logo
December 20 2016 12:00:47 am

Christmas is Near

Good Morning Immortals!

As you can see we are starting to get into the Christmas Spirit! The Christmas banners are flying, the Holiday House Banner Contest has been posted in the Announcements and Updates forum ready for submissions!

Now its time to decorate even more with the 2016 Christmas Donator Pack, that coincidentally has a Christmas Bauble Icon in it! In addition its got 300 Gold Pieces, 200 IQ Points and all the donator day perks for 30 days! To make it even better it has a Wrapped Gift in it because we all love presents and its Christmas time! Now you can choose to hold onto your Wrapped Gift or open it up and see whats inside...there be goodies in there, but its up to you! We also have the Holiday Scratch Tickets available and we have put Boosted Blood of the Ancients (twice as effective as regular BOA) and Determination Fermentations (500% instant Will) up for sale on their own! These are two of the most coveted items in game and they are now available for purchase like never before!

It feels good to start getting into the holiday spirit and we are not done yet, there is more to come keep your eyes peeled for it!

Immortal Day Logo
November 24 2016 12:01:01 am

Thanksgiving Events

Happy Thanksgiving Immortals! Today we give thanks for you, wherever you hail from and celebrate together with pie and games!

The All About Pie Pack has a Slice of Pumpkin Pie Icon along with three types of collectible Pie Nourishments in it with a new Tiffany Pie Server and the Horn of Plenty Pack is chock full of fun and useful items! Check out the Donator page for more info on those. Every $5 donated today also gets you an Admin Avenger Raffle ticket!

Sometime either Friday or Saturday...depending on how the shopping goes, we will draw 4 raffle tickets from the pool as the winners. They will be able to have an Admin attack other players at their command. Each winner will get 7 attacks to be carried out by an Admin of their choosing. They will have 1 week to order these attacks. This is a great opportunity to have the chance to have Admins do your dirty work and even send an accompanying message should you choose!

Keeping in Pie theme we have brought back the Pie Eating Contest where you compete against other Immortals to see who can finish the most pies in 5 minutes!

We didnt forget about the Traditional Turkey Hunt. It is back again on the Explore Page! Hunt the grid for the 24 hours of Thanksgiving and kill those Turkeys!

Next you want to make sure to get your bets in on the American Football games being played today in the Sportsbook! The Thanksgiving day games are always great and good for entertainment and for winning prize money for placing savvy bets! All bets close at Noon.

Finally we have the Race to Thanksgiving Dinner! The Ancients have invited you to Thanksgiving dinner, what an honor! There is a slight catch...They want you to bring a lot specific items to their feast. Ten (10) of them in fact and you only have 10 minutes to do it! After that the Ancients will close their doors on you and you will be shut out of Thanksgiving with them and their generosity, so make sure you are distraction free before attempting this event because you only get one shot at it. Good Luck!

Today we give thanks personally in our real lives and we thank you for joining us today in our celebrations and every day in our effort to make this a great community together!

Immortal Day Logo
November 6 2016 12:02:01 am

Bonfire Day Challenge

Congratulations to team Guys for winning the Bonfire Challenge today. Interesting Fact: Team Guys won on both Immortal Night as well as Immortal Day. Prizes will be distributed later in the week. We hope everyone had a great Bonfire Day. Nikita & Violet

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