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Announcement |
 March 17 2017 12:22:47 am |
St. Patricks Day!Happy St. Patricks Day Immortals!
As you have seen upon logging in we have an awesome St. Pattys Day Donator Pack available for you with a cool Lucky Four Leaf Clover Coin Icon in addition to a thousand gold pieces, 7 Drops of Liquid Luck that quadruple your critical hits during battle and 7 Power Potions!!
Violets Varieties is open in DUBLIN with a couple of favorite St. Pattys day items and some fabulous new ones to celebrate with including a super awesome collectible Weapon!
We also invite you to join in the Four Leaf Clover Hunt in game today. As you play you can find Clover and Shamrocks throughout the game. What you really want to find are the three different types of Four Leaf Clover. If you do, prizes await you like gold, Blood of the Ancients and Vampire Venom!
We hope you enjoy our St. Patricks Day celebration and may the luck of the Irish be with you today and always!
 February 17 2017 1:24:40 pm |
Sweetheart Mining Challenge WinnersGood afternoon Immortals, The results of the Sweetheart Mining Challenge that took place on Valentines Day are as follows:
98 Diamonds - .Vendetta Erimos. [132272] and Sick Erimos [184037]
80 Diamonds - The Perfect Copata [140440] and Cakelover [192330]
62 Diamonds - Cederic DeSchain [85746] and Synful DeSchain [100943]
57 Diamonds - Gold and Longshadows [110794] and ~*Queen*~ Synzi Gold [114502]
55 Diamonds - Shield [685] and Kate [2448]
47 Diamonds - Irrelephant Shadowpaw [208214] and V@mperina Shadowpaw [222333]
46 Diamonds - Zlytas, the Simi [82012] and Daciana Sterling [163469]
32 Diamonds - DeanStar [726] and Maikoa [174669]
30 Diamonds - (BLADE) [15455] and Truleigh [34605]
28 Diamonds - Lady Rivyn Gold [81673] and Mehiel [91547]
All prizes have been awarded.
Thank you to all who participated in this great couples event!
 February 14 2017 12:00:22 am |
Happy Valentines DayHappy Valentines Day Immortals!
Today we have a lot for you to do if you are coupled with someone and something even if you are not!
For Couples: We have a return of the Sweetheart Mining Challenge, where spouses work together to mine as many pink diamonds as they can, picking up other goodies along the way. Top 10 couples will win extra prizes!
The Tag Team Matchgame from our sister site is here for the day. You and your partner take turns picking picking your ?s and everything that happens to one of you, will happen to the other. So if you hit a bomb, you both get bombed, but if you make a Match you both reap the rewards! For Anyone:
The Full Hearts War is on! This war pits the two teams against each other just like any other, but they are trying to out do each other with full hearts! You start with an Empty Heart and Mine or Walk the City Grid to find Love Capsules. You have to use 3 Love Capsules on members of an opposing team to get a Full Heart. Once you have a Full Heart it is credited to your team! A Full Heart doesnt only get your team a point, it also will give you an Endurance boost to keep going spreading the love along with a piece of Gold! So get those Full Hearts for you and your team because the species with the most Full Hearts wins! One Important Thing, Teams are selected as each Immortal comes active throughout the day. Active Accounts will have a team identifier on their Profile page. Scores can be found in the Hall Of Fame.
Violets Varieties is still open in London with all new items that are excellent, even if you are not so much in support of Valentines Day, like Red Velvet Lava Cake, I mean that makes any old Tuesday awesome!
If you are not wearing your Valentines Day Heart Icon yet, you can still get one. Even if you are not in support of the day of love, these hearts are still bad ass! The Inked Heart and Pierced Heart can mean a lot of things to a lot of people so dont miss out on your chance to get these super cool Icons and the amazing items in the pack! The Ties That Bind Bomb, is always handy for bombing someone and their spouse in one shot! The All Tied Up Item keeps someone from being able to walk the City Grid or Mine for 10 Minutes - hello strategy - and the Not Interested Item is perfect for making your point loud and clear!
We hope you enjoy these special events and have a wonderful Valentines Day Immortals!
 February 12 2017 11:59:48 pm |
Valentines DayAs most of you have probably seen, we have a fantastic Valentines Day Donator Pack up for sale. But the main reason for this bulletin is to inform everyone that Violets Varieties is now open in London! Visit the shop now for some fantastic specialty items! Get them while they last!
 February 3 2017 10:44:27 am |
Immortal Day SportsbookThe Immortal Day Sportsbook is Now Open. There is a relatively short window to place your bets before Sunday. The Sportsbook closes to new bets as of Noon on Sunday.
 January 28 2017 12:00:06 am |
Chinese New yearHappy Chinese New Year!
Also called the Spring Festival, Chinese New Year is celebrated by one fifth of the world! This year we celebrate the year of the Rooster, so we have a Donator Pack offering for you with a Rooster Head Icon along with 36 Fortune Cookies that refill both Energy and Cunning, 12 Firecrackers that scare money out of people, A Lucky Red Envelope Collectible that you can find money in if you open it and 600 Gold Pieces to help you with your celebrations!
Roosters are Observant, hardworking, resourceful, courageous, talented and they are also thought to drive away Bad Spirits. Hopefully they can serve as a totem and help us with that as today we have Bad Spirits on the lose in our world trying to weaken our health and cause us to spend our day in Recovery!
If a Bad Spirit is chasing you, you will have a period of 5 minutes to locate and light a Chinese Lantern on the City Grid in any city to drive it off. If you do not drive off the Bad Spirit, you will find yourself in Recovery for quite a while. If you are very lucky and find a Rare Dragon Kite, no Bad Spirits can harm you for a whole hour! For every Four Bad Spirits you drive off, you will get a Lucky Chinese Coins Collectible item!
Good Luck and Happy Chinese New Year!
 December 26 2016 12:00:40 am |
Christmas Is OverHappy Boxing Day Immortals!
Congratulations to the Lycans winning the Snowball Fight Species war with 1,330 Points! It was a very close battle all day and right until the end! It might not have been if even half of the over 2,000 Snowballs sitting in peoples inventories had been thrown.
At any rate we hope you had fun with this and all the other Holiday Events we had going on this year. We know its a rather abrupt end to all the hubbuballoo, but it is now over. *sad face* Trophies for the Snowball Fight winners are forthcoming as are prizes for the Top Tens and the Holiday House Banners. Please be patient with these.
We hope you had a very safe, happy and above all Merry Christmas!
 December 25 2016 12:00:46 am |
Merry ChristmasMerry Christmas Immortals!
The day is finally here to have a SNOWBALL FIGHT! Oh yeah! This is a Species war and we all know how those work. Throughout the game today you will find Snowballs. Your job is to fling them at members of an opposing Species and score points for your team! It gets even better tho. If you are feeling really ambitions and want to get more bang for your Snow-buck then you can add Lumps of Coal to your snowball and score event more points with a successful hit! You will have to mine for the coal to stuff inside your Snowballs. (Again, please participate with a spirit of fair play. Auto refreshers, mutli-tab refreshers etc. could disqualify you.) Whichever species earns the most points will win the Snowball Fight! The Top Ten Points earners will win extra prizes!
We would also like to remind you that today is the last day for submissions for the House Banner contest, The North Pole Quest and Violets Varieties, The Magic Frosty and Fire and Ice events, the Christmas Polls and the Holiday Donator offerings. Be sure not to miss out on any of this great stuff because Christmas only comes once a year, so lets Celebrate the heck out of it!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all!
 December 24 2016 12:00:16 am |
Christmas EveHappy Christmas Eve Immortals!
Hopefully you have completed the North Pole Quest, but if not there is still time! Remember, you need to complete this quest not only to get to Violets Varieties and all the amazing Collectible goodies in there but also those Christmas Rubies that will be necessary for the Fire and Ice Mission event that is launching today!
Our Immortal Christmas tree with all the gifts for all the Immortals has been sucked into a magic portal and frozen over with Arctic Legend Ice! ACK!! Break through it in the Fire and Ice Mission where you will need to trade those Christmas Rubies for other items you will need to get through the Portal and your Immortal Christmas Present!
Want more presents? Well the Magic Frosty game can help you out! Frosty is a magical Snowman that is bopping all around or Immortal world. Your job is to catch him and snatch his coal eyes in order to crush them and see if there are diamonds inside! If you find Coal Diamonds you can exchange them in the Hall of Presents for gifts! Coal Diamonds will be removed after the event, so you dont need to hang on to them for your Collectible Cabinets. Exchange those suckers for presents! You definitely want to do this because you can also get Christmas Rubies from the Frosty gifts and in addition the top 5 Coal Diamond finders will also get an extra gift! Woohoo! (Please be sure to use ethical practices when participating in this event. We would not want to disqualify anyone due to the use of auto refreshers, mutli-tab refreshers etc.)
Make sure to cast your vote on the Christmas Polls in the poll center, which will get you Rubies (You need every one you can get your hands on!)and also remember to vote for us for real on the Voting sites for gold rewards!
The Holiday House Banner contest is still taking submissions in the Announcements and Updates forum and that the Christmas sale offerings are still available on the Donator page! Click on that to see everything thats available!
This is getting exciting! Christmas is coming, Christmas is coming, Christmas is on its way....and so are more events so look out for more and celebrate the holiday with us while you do!
 December 23 2016 12:00:38 am |
Christmas Let The Fun BeginHappy day before Christmas Eve Immortals!
We are continuing on with our holiday celebrations today with a North Pole Quest (See The Soul Collector) that will lead you to Violets Varieties Shop in the North Pole! This quest will not only get you to the goodies of the shop, and believe me there are lots of goodies (see my shop thread in the swap meet forum and youll see), it will also get you some Christmas Rubies! You NEED these Christmas Rubies to participate in another Holiday event coming up, so HANG ON TO THEM because you will need every single one you get!!!
Not only will you get the Christmas Rubies from the North Pole Quest, but you will also get them from casting your vote in the THREE (3) Christmas Polls up in the Poll Center on the Explore page! Be sure to head over there and tell us your Christmas preferences, so you can get your hands on those Rubies!
This is also a reminder that the Holiday House Banner contest is still taking submissions in the Announcements and Updates forum and that the Christmas sale offerings are still available on the Donator page! Click on that to see everything thats available!
There are so many good things going on its almost unbelievable that there could be more, but there will be so stay tuned and pump up that holiday spirit!