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November 23 2017 12:01:02 am

2017 Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving American Immortals!

We have lots of fun stuff for you and your non American fellows to do today! First up as you would expect is our annual Turkey Hunt! Find the link on the Explore page and hunt those turkeys! Prizes are given to the Top 10 Turkey Hunters!

The Admin Avenger Raffle is back! This is where we will draw 6 raffle tickets from the pool of Thanksgiving Day Donators (today and tomorrow) as the winners. Each Raffle Ticket requires a $5.00 Donation. They will be able to have an Admin attack other players at their command! Each winner will get 7 attacks to be carried out by an Admin of their choosing. They will have 3 days from the time of the drawing to order these attacks. This is a great opportunity to have the chance to have Admins do your dirty work and even send an accompanying message should you choose!

Speaking of the Thanksgiving Donator Pack, this year it is all about Football Frenzy! American Football that is. 30 Days of a Special Football Icon and all the perks, plus 400 Gold, 200 IQ, 4 Deep Fried Turkey Legs, 4 Turkey Bombs (Bombs a player into 100% Fullness without affecting Energy and sends them to Recovery for a time due to Bloating. Works on any species), 6 Pumpkin Spice Beers and 6 Chocolate Pudding Pies! Each purchase also gets you that all important Admin Avenger Raffle Ticket!

Next you want to get over to the Sportsbook and make sure to get your bets in on the Pro American Football games being played today! The Thanksgiving day games are always great and good for entertainment and for winning prize money for placing savvy bets!

The concept of American football games being played on Thanksgiving Day dates back to 1876, shortly after the game had been invented, as it was a day that most people had off from work. It started with college games, but by the time professional football had started the Thanksgiving Day games had become an institution. Families and friends also get in on the fun holding informal skirmishes all over the country before sitting down to their meal. It is high time Immortals did the same, so we are giving it a try!

Introducing the Thanksgiving Day Immortal Football Game! Shirts Vs. Furs! Regardless of species active players will be sorted into the two teams. Then you play the game in different ways to score points or earn penalties for your team! The team with the highest score at the end of Thanksgiving Day wins! There will be a trophy and an MVP HOF. There is also an Announcers Box that gives a play by play of what the teams are doing so you can keep track of what is going on in the game! Additional instructions and information can be found through the link on the Explore page. This is a tricky event Immortals and its our first time running something of this kind, so if you run into issues please post in the BUGS forum and we do ask for your patience while sorting it out. Thank you so much for your help in making this event great!

Today as we celebrate giving thanks personally in our real lives, we also give thanks for you, wherever you hail from and hope you will join us in celebrating being thankful for each other and this community we have created together!

Immortal Day Logo
November 22 2017 12:00:23 am


Thanksgiving is right around the corner. For our Thanksgiving Donator Pack, we have something a little different. Pickup the Football Frenzy DP on the donator page. Speaking of Football, the ID Sportsbook is now open and taking bets for the games being played on the 23rd. You have 36 hours to place your bets. Good Luck!

Immortal Day Logo
November 1 2017 12:10:41 am

Halloween Conclusion

Happy Day of the Dead everyone, Halloween is now over its sad to say. :(

We do hope tho that everyone had a great time celebrating with us and that you got your fill of all the fun, events and goodies! Congratulations to the Vampires for winning the Bite War with 1376 Bite Points! Way to show up and howl erm BITE!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the forum contests, they are now closed for submissions. Judging will commence tomorrow and all prizes from all the events will be handed out as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and we hope you had a very Happy Halloween!

Immortal Day Logo
October 31 2017 12:00:27 am

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween Immortals!

Get ready for Mummy Tomb Raiding!!! There are Four (4) Mummy Tombs that you can attempt to raid if you can find the keys for them and beat the mummies guarding them. You have to go in order 1 through 4, but First ya gotta get the keys, who..what..when..where? Well on the City Grid of course. ON the Grid you will come across Black Cats. When you run into one entice them with Kitty Treats to drop the Tomb Keys for you. Once you collect enough Keys for the tomb, go fight the mummy to try and get at that treasure! As you go, it will get progressively harder, so be prepared for that. You dont have to be successful to be able to try the next Tomb, just keep at those mummies because their tombs are stocked with goodies!

Bite Wars have returned to the Immortal Games! We had so much fun with this last year, we just had to bring it back! The object of the Bite Wars is to Turn as many people as possible into your original Species. My Designated species is Vampire. That means I have to try and change as many Lycans as possible into Vampires. I have to Hunt people on the Game who are Lycan and then Bite them to change them to Vampire. Every Lycan I change adds to my score and the total score for Vampires.

If I turn a Lycan then it shows on their profile Turned Vampire in a new spot. This does not affect their player type as they choose it. Once they are TURNED Vampire a Lycan can then come along and Bite Them to Turn them Lycan. That lycan will then get a point for themselves and their team. See how this goes?

You need 50% of your max Cunning, Energy and Will to bite and turn someone successfully. You can attempt a bite at 25% each, but there is a chance that you will be unsuccessful and the tables may turn on you and you may be turned the opposite species. Even if you are "Turned" another species you are always biting from your Designated chosen species and that has been locked at the start of this event.

The winning Species will get a Bite Wars Trophy and the Top 10 Biters will get additional prizes!

The is the last day to Shop at Violets Varieties. Get those goodies! Get those goodies! They are so awesome, I want to horde them all for myself. Its also the last day for submissions to the Pumpkin Decorating Contest and the Halloween House Banner Competition, so be sure to get your entry in before midnight so it counts!

How are those Petrification Potions working for you? Are they fun or what? Today is your last chance at getting those awesome items in the Halloween Donator Pack, so be sure not to miss out before its gone!

Good luck to all and Happy Halloween!

Immortal Day Logo
October 28 2017 12:02:22 am


Good Morning Immortals!

The Halloween Festivities are under way! As you can see, we have decorated. Now, it is time for you to as well! The Halloween Donator Pack that is on sale has 2 awesome Icons for you to choose from; the Scary Mummy Head and the Slinky Black Cat! Once you use the pack you will also have a space on your Profile to display your Halloween Costume! (You can put that up through the Preferences menu) The pack has 7 Petrification Potions in them, these are so fun, which blasts an enemy into Recovery for 90 minutes after you tip their petrified body over onto the floor! MUAHAHAHA, its so good, really, you must try it. The pack has the rest of the normal goodies in it to with 500 Gold Pieces and 200 IQ Points!

Violets Varieties Halloween Shop is open in London for you to grab up all the wonderful themed goodies! At present, Im having a hard time choosing favorites because the selections are so very good this year! Be sure to get your hands on them and for images and item limits see my thread in the Swap Meet forum.

If you have not already been obsessively playing it, the Pumpkin Flash Game is on the Explore Page so Immortals can get their traditional yearly fix of this classic!

There is more to come so stay tuned for more bulletins with important event information and start having a Happy Halloween!

Immortal Day Logo
September 19 2017 12:01:02 am

2017 Pirate Day

Arrrg Mornin Immortal Mateys!

This here be our Pirate Day festivities! If ye were present and conscious last year for the hooplah then you know that Pirate Ship Battles, or Cannon Battles, that involve Houses have become a tradition. That means every House vs. every House. This is not a war, this is completely separate and tough to explain in a bulletin, so there are notes on it in the forums. Make sure you check em out so you dont find yerself walkin the plank!

There is a swashbucklin great Donator Pack available with a Scalawag Pirate Icon, 400 Gold, 200 IQ, a 2017 Pirate Doubloon to add to your collections along with A Peg Leg Collectible Weapon! Ye will want to get your hands er leg er stump er hands on this beauty fer sure!

Payouts for the Treasure Hunt in the Carnival be doubled! That be twice the shiny as regular! The first completed Hunt gets you to the Pirate city of Tortuga!

Iffin ye has the gold (er money), Violets Varieties will be open fer business today in TORTUGA with a fresh bunch of Pirate provisions, so be sure to pillage those stores til there be nothin left! If ye got one good eye, there be a thread in the forums for ye to gander at pictures of those shiny goodies.

We hope ye find this years talk like a pirate day to be favorable! Keep away from the scurvy and drink up me hearties yo ho!

Immortal Day Logo
August 26 2017 1:04:49 am

Card Shark

Okay Immortals. It is time for more card shark events!

Today the Shark Tank is open on the Explore page! Within there are 7 Card Sharks that you have to catch and steal cards from. 5 of the Sharks have the A, K, Q, J, 10 of all the same suit on their fins. 2 of the Sharks have cards of another suit on them. The goal is to steal the cards with the same suit from the Sharks and get a Royal Flush! If you get the Royal Flush, you will win a prize!! You can swim the Shark Tank for a shot at the Royal Flush 4 times.

Then we have High/Low Russian Roulette. Instead of taking turns with a gun shot, initially each player chooses a card. The player with the low card has to then take a shot from the revolver. Assuming the player with the low card didnt shoot themselves then both players draw again. This continues until someone gets shot. This High/Low RR game is for stakes, so do not forget to put your money on the table!

Both events are open for the weekend.

Immortal Day Logo
August 25 2017 12:00:58 am

Card Shark

Good Morning Immortals and welcome to the Card Shark Event!

We have a very slick Card Shark Donator Pack for you, with a card suit Poker Chip icon! Its also loaded with collectible goodies! The Stogies are back! They keep anyone from attacking you for 30 minutes! Keeping with the on the Rocks Card Shark Nourishment collectible theme we have a brand new G&T for ya! That is Gin and Tonic with a slice on lime on the Rocks and the Poker Chip collectible is one not to be missed out on if youre the gambling type!

Today we see the release of Pummel Poker! Every time you pummel someone NEW you get a card. After 5 UNIQUE Pummels are complete you then have the ability to discard one card and pick up a new one with the next pummel. You can generate 8 cards per hand and you can play up to 3 hands. You must visit Pummel Poker first to activate the module.

The goal is to get the best poker hand you can. You can submit your hand at any time after you have 5 cards, but your hand is automatically submitted after the 8th pummel is complete. The goal is to get the best poker hand you can by the end of the hand and submit it! Prizes are awarded according to how good your hand is.

The Donator Pack will be available today through the weekend, however, you can only play 3 hands of Pummel Poker total. Show us your hand, throw your money down and join us today in being an Immortal Card Shark! We do have two other poker-themed events we hope to include this weekend. However, some lingering server issues are currently preventing them from working properly. As soon as we can figure out what's going on, we can run those events. We will let you know.

Good Luck!

Immortal Day Logo
August 18 2017 12:05:07 am

Total Eclipse Donator Pack

Immortals - We have a special Donator Pack for sale through Monday to honor the Total Solar Eclipse occurring on August 21st. If you are as excited for this event as we are, grab one of these packs and the specialty DP icon that comes with it! Its a rare occasion for the Moon to reign supreme in the daylight sun!

Full Disclosure, we have another special event planned later in the month which includes a second specialty donator pack so you might keep that in mind when donating.

Immortal Day Logo
July 4 2017 12:00:29 am

July 4th

Good Morning Immortals!

If you are American, Happy 4th of July! All are invited to our Backyard Barbecue Event!

Backyard Barbecues are all about FOOD and we have plenty of it for you today! Violets Varieties is stocked with 15 new food items for you to enjoy! We have everything from Baked Potato Salad to BBQ Bloody Marys to Ribs to Grilled Donuts, so it is a shop you do not want to miss!

We have 2 Donator Packs on sale for you to take advantage of. Both have super useful items for you to maximize your game play:

The Backyard Barbecue pack has a Bloody Mary Icon, 200 IQ, 6 Hot Sauce items (Allows you to break through Hounds!), 6 Catchup items (Increases your max will by 20% for 20 minutes!) and 30 days of the other Donator Perks!

The Get Swimsuit Ready pack is a favorite among Immortals! It has 10 Determination Fermentations that instantly take your Will to 500% and 10 Boosted Blood of the Ancients, which are twice as effective as regular BOA!

The Patriotic Profile Pic Thread is going strong in the forums, so if you have not already changed your Display Picture to something patriotic for your home country then do it now and be sure to post in the thread so you can get some goodies!

If all that stuff was not enough for you, we have even more! The Two awesome events taking place today are the Species Water Balloon Fight and the Fireworks Extravaganza!

For the Water Balloon War players will have to find Deflated Balloons throughout the game. Once you find them you have to fill your balloons at The Water Fountain on the Explore page! Once those Water Balloons are filled you can fire them away at your opponents!

You can only fill 4 Water Balloons at a time with regular water. However there is another option to fill your Water Balloon with HOT Water. Filling your Balloon with Hot Water costs 25% of your Energy and you can only have 1 Hot Water Balloon at a time. Hot Water Balloons scald players and force them into Recovery for 10 Minutes in addition to scoring 3 points for your team! If you get a successful hit with your cold Water Balloon one of two things will happen; the balloon will hit them without breaking for 1 point or it will hit them and break for 2 points!

There is a sneaky third option that can occur and that is that when you go to throw your balloon it breaks and soaks you instead. When that happens a point is deducted from your teams score.

The Fireworks Extravaganza is an Individual player game where Players search the Citygrid or Mines to find the Fireworks. Once they are found you can shoot them off using a Mini Lighter purchased at the Mining and Misc shop. There are 3 types of Fireworks to be found and you get points depending on the type, but you will need your Health in order to shoot them off!

Since this is an Individual game the Top 15 players with the most Fireworks Points in the Hall of Fame will be awarded Prizes!

Good luck to everyone and have fun Eating, Training, Breaking through Hellhounds, Throwing Water Balloons and shooting off Fireworks!!!

More Bulletins:   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 [13] 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 

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