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Announcement |
 June 23 2018 3:58:50 pm |
Anniversary EventOur first event for the Anniversary Celebration will take place tomorrow. I am announcing it early for once, imagine that! Starting at Midnight, ALL players can rob NPCs. Specifically ID's #4 through #18. Their cash balances will grow on regular intervals throughout the day, and in some cases, they will bank all their money. The goal of this contest is to steal as much money from NPCs as you can. Several things to note. A) This money will not affect your achievements B) This money will not be added to your account, is for the contest only. C) A Hall of Fame will be posted showing the highest scores. D) The use of Wolf Venom will be restricted for today. Just to keep things interesting, I am not going to pre-announce what that limit is.
Good Luck! Nikita.
 June 23 2018 12:01:58 am |
Immortal Day AnniversaryImmortals! I am very sorry for the delay, but I am finally releasing Immortal Day 4th Anniversary Donator Packs. They are now for sale in the donator section and are available through Monday. As most of you know, specialty donator packs usually come with special events. Fear not, they are on their way. I have a few things planned including a War to take place next weekend. I did manage to get one thing ready sooner than expected. Nikita's Nook will be open in Las Vegas within the next hour. Keep an eye on the Swap Meet Forum for it to be announced. Nikita
 June 7 2018 6:59:05 pm |
Belmont Stakes Horse RacingAttention Immortals. The Sportsbook is once again open. Looking to place a bet on the Belmont Stakes this Saturday? Get on over there before the opportunity has passed. Nikita
 May 3 2018 2:05:45 pm |
SportsbookThe ID Sports book is now Open and can be found on the Explore Page (Under General Links for Mobile Users). The Kentucky Derby is a major Horse race that takes place on Saturday. Betting is now open from now until 2pm Saturday. Please make sure to read all the details before betting. The Payouts will be determined by the amount Bet by Immortals, and the horses/jockies they bet on. This is similar to real-world horse racing, but a bit modified for our virtual world. Questions? Try the Forums, I am sure people there will be able to explain things and it helps the game staff avoid question-spam. Thanks.
 April 22 2018 12:00:27 am |
Earth Day 2018Happy Earth Day Immortals! Earth Day is a worldwide event designed to demonstrate support for environmental protection. Despite our differences, we all live on the same blue planet. Respect it and respect one another.
In honor of this day, we have an Earth Day Donator Pack available for sale through the 24th. To go along with it, we Nikita's Nook (in London) and have a special event (Today only). We are not really sure what to call it, yet here is how it works. On the Explore page you will find a link for Earth Day Match Game. Identify pairs of matching seed counts and win the seeds in question. These seeds are Acorns, which can be planted and grown into Oak trees. So how do you do that? You can plant them one by one in the Citygrid in the various cities around the game. Easy enough right? There will be a hall of fame for the Immortals who plant the most number of seeds throughout Immortal Day and prizes will be given out based on performance. Good luck, and if you can, breath yourself some fresh air today.
 March 17 2018 12:04:09 am |
St Patricks Day!Hello Immortal Friends! It is.......St. Patricks Day!!! Though green is not exactly the most trendy look for our species, lets have a little fun! In the Donator Section, you can find our 2018 St Patricks Day Donator Pack! Show your St Patricks day spirit with our specialty donator icon. While you are at it, take a gander at the two collectibles that come with the pack. They are interesting indeed.
We also invite you to join in the Four Leaf Clover Hunt in game today. As you play you can find Clover and Shamrocks throughout the game. What you really want to find are the three different types of Four Leaf Clover. If you do, prizes await you like gold, Blood of the Ancients and Vampire Venom!
Last but not least, Nikita's Nook is open in New York City!! Get a Rope? No! Stock up on some fantastic collectibles.
P.S. If you got the rope reference, congratulations, you are likely as old (or older) than the admin team. Not familiar with the reference? Do not worry, it wasnt particularly clever.
 March 2 2018 11:56:46 am |
Heads upHello Immortals. At Noon I am going to reboot the server. Just to clear out any cobwebs. N
 December 26 2017 12:12:04 am |
Christmas ConclusionUnfortunately the Christmas Holiday is over. Congratulations to the Vampires for winning the ornament fight. Job well done. Prizes will be awarded in the days to come (This includes the Grinches competition). For those with Exploding Candy Canes, Remember these items self destruct on January 2, 2018 so use them or lose them. We hope everyone had a fantastic holiday season here on Immortal Night.
 December 25 2017 12:02:20 am |
Merry ChristmasMerry Christmas Immortals!
Today is the big day! We have a Ornament Fight for you!! Thats right Immortals we are going to be winging Ornaments at each other. To get the Ornaments you will have to attack other players and steal Ornaments off of their tree!! Once you get the Ornament hurl it at a member of the opposite species! Various points will be awarded for the different types of ornaments that can be throw, but you wont know which ones you have until you throw them!! There are no sign ups necessary, the whole Immortal world is involved! The winning side wins a trophy, but you need to participate and score points in the war in order to win one. There will be a Hall of Fame for the Top Ornament throwers with the Top 10 earning and extra prize. Ornaments are not transferable. Good luck and may the best species win!!
We will also take this opportunity to remind you that this is the last day the Christmas Donator Packs with the Christmas Tree Icon and the Merry Christmas To Me Packs are on sale. Violets Varieties is still open with a bunch of new Christmas goodies in the North Pole and you need to do the quest to get there first.
We hope you all have a very Merry and Happy Christmas and Holiday Season!!
 December 24 2017 12:00:43 am |
Christmas EveHappy Christmas Eve Immortals, its time to catch the Grinches!
Throughout the game today you will see little Grinches pop up trying to steal Immortal Holiday Cheer! No one wants that so be sure to grab the little buggers whenever you see them by clicking on their images. Once you catch them you can ransom them back to Santa for Exploding Candy Canes! Top Grinch Catchers will win prizes, but be careful those Grinches are slippery!
The North Pole Quest is still open, so if you havent completed it and gone up to Violets Varieties there is still time!
The Christmas DP and Merry Christmas to Me (I love this one) Packs are also still up. Be sure to get those while they last!
Merry Christmas Eve Everyone!