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Announcement |
 March 17 2020 12:14:42 am |
St Patricks DayHappy St Patricks Day everyone! If you havent noticed, we launched a St Patricks Donator Pack earlier today for all those who are interested in that sort of thing. I also just opened up Nikitas Nook for all the collectors here. I had intended to have an event as well today, but due to some crazy life stuff related to everyones favorite virus, I did not get it in done in time. My plan is to finish that event and run it on the 18th. I am sure you understand. Have a great day and be safe! Nikita
 February 14 2020 12:04:02 am |
Valentines DayHappy Valentines Day Immortals! Nikitas Nook is back and stocked with goods. Buy something for yourself or for your loved one(s).
The Sweetheart Mining Challenge has returned for another year. The goal is to mine as many Pink Diamonds as you can. Here is the catch: You have to be married. At the end of the day, the total Pink Diamonds mined by each couple will be tallied and the top 10 couples with the most Pink Diamonds mined will get prizes. To prevent any tomfoolery, marriages were all recorded yesterday at 6pm. If you were married then, you are in. If you were single then, you are out!
But, but Nikita.... a very large portion of the game is not even married!! We want to do something special too! Okay, Ok, stop twisting my arm. Those accounts who were flagged Single can find Cupids Arrows inside the mines. Perhaps you can use them to find love next year or perhaps you can use them to win prizes in the Top 20 singles competition. Pink Diamonds and Cupids Arrows are Not collectibles. They will be removed after the event.
 February 12 2020 12:03:21 am |
ValentinesGood Evening Immortals! Our Valentines Day Donator Pack is now up for sale. Love is in the air, can you feel it?
 December 24 2019 11:59:59 pm |
Christmas DayIts Christmas Day! May your day be merry and bright. Just a couple more Christmas events I wanted to bring to your attention for today. First, we are having a Whack-An-Elf tournament for those who are interested. A link can be found in the Carnival. Second, we are having a tree trimming contest. For this contest you Bust people out of jail, Heal people out of recovery or BE NICE to people after a fight for the trimmings and then choose which tree to decorate with your spoils. Of course prizes will be awarded to the best Tree Trimmers. This can be found under the ID Xmas Tree Link on the Explore page. Lastly, at the request of one of our holiday committee members, we are having a Find The Reindeer Event. Santas Reindeer have gone missing! Without them, he will not be able to deliver all the presents to the little girls and boys! Your job is to search for Santas Reindeer so he can get back to work! A total of 9 Reindeer can be found throughout Immortal Day. Find them all for a special prize. Have a fantastic day.
 December 24 2019 12:02:13 am |
Christmas EveMerry Christmas Eve Immortals! I have some exciting news for you. Nikitas Nook is now open for business in the North Pole! These festive collectibles will be for sale through December 26th!
Additionally, the Sleigh Races are now open and can be found on the explore page. I wont lie, Sleigh Races is just like the Broom Races from Halloween. This is a brand new system which was under appreciated this Halloween so we wanted to give it another go. I encourage you to check this out. I would also like to note that Sleigh Races does NOT use your endurance. So do not let that scare you off.
Special Thanks to Lady Rivyn [81673], a member of our Holiday Committee, for helping us out with fantastic item descriptions.
 November 28 2019 12:00:14 am |
Thanksgiving 2019Who is ready for some more Thanksgiving fun?!? Sportsbook? Check. Nikitas Nook? Check. Donator Pack Check. But wait, there is more. Today the Pie Eating Contest is back on the Explore page. This is a multi person gambling challenge; a lot of fun. If you sign up, please respect the other competitors and stick around for your contest. We also have a good old fashioned Mashed Potato Massacre! Just for you, I have fished out the original event description. Here goes. Players will be divided into two teams; Natives and Settlers, randomly as they log in, and the object is to throw Mashed Potatoes at your opponents for points! First you will need to Mine for Empty Pie Plates...you need those for holding your potatoes and for blocking shots your opponents might be taking at you! If you block a shot you throw those potatoes right back at them and score off of them using their own potatoes! You can find 2 kinds of Potatoes around the game; Mashed Potatoes and Sweet Potato Mash. Both of the potatoes will score you points if you land your shots, but Sweet Potatoes are harder to find, so will earn you more points!
Please report any bugs or event concerns in the Bugs Forum as soon as possible so they may be addressed. By concerns, I mean things you think may be a bug, but you cant say for sure. Enjoy your holiday. Nikita
 November 27 2019 12:59:18 am |
ThanksgivingThanksgiving is just a day away. Are you excited? Nikitas Nook is now open and the Sportsbook is also open. Enjoy! N
P.S. Special thanks to Rivyn, Owner of Satans Heart [81673], a member of my holiday committee which has been a great help to me.
 October 31 2019 12:01:22 am |
Halloween 2019Happy Halloween All! We have a couple more holiday events launching today. First we have the Broom Races, check them out on the Explore page. Second, we have the Mine Skull Search. Look for various skulls today while mining. There are four different types of skulls you can find, each awarding different points. Players who get the most points by the end of the day will win prizes. I do not have a hall of fame yet, but I will get one put together. Lastly, we have the Graveyard Riddle Challenge. This will also be found on the explore page. You have 10 minutes to solve five riddle questions. Succeed and you will win a collectible charm for your efforts. I would like to give a special thanks to my Holiday committee over on Immortal Night for helping me out this year.
p.s. Make sure to post your entries into the house banner competition and costume contests.
P.P.S. It is likely I am still finalizing the Graveyard Riddle Challenge. If you do not see a link, just give me a little while to finish up.
 October 30 2019 12:01:30 am |
Halloween EveHello Everyone! I have some Halloween news for you! You may have already seen the Halloween Donator pack has been made available. Hope you like it. Nikita'a Nook is now open in Bucharest. Check it out, you will like what you see. Along with the House Banner Competition, in the forums we have a costume contest so I encourage you to check that out as well. That's all I have for now, but I promise more good things to come on the 31st. Nikita
 October 17 2019 3:27:05 pm |
Halloween House Banners 2019The 2019 House Banner competition is now accepting submissions. The submission deadline is October 31st. Please see the thread in the Announcements & Updates section if your house is interested in participating. Nikita