Time |
Announcement |
 May 29 2014 12:23:53 pm |
Social Media: Facebook and TwitterOver 1300 active players in the past 24 Hours but our Twitter Page only has 12 Followers and our Facebook page only has 202 Likes. Can we do better than that? Our Social Media links can be found in the bottom of our header for Desktop users and under the Community sub-menu for Mobile users. Also, don't forget to tell your friends about Immortal Day, with social gaming, the more the merrier.
 May 20 2014 12:25:29 pm |
System Configuration UpdateI need to tweak a couple server settings. I dont anticipate any negative consequences for the game, but I did want to warn players just incase. For the next half hour, it is probably not a good time to do any serious training etc just as a precaution. Nikita
 May 17 2014 11:52:16 am |
Swag RaffleJust a reminder, the Swag Raffle ends today. So far turnout has been very low with only 23 tickets purchased. This is a great opportunity to win $25 in Immortal Day merchandise such as t-shirts, mouse pads, phone cases, and more. A link to the raffle can be found on the Explore section, and a link to our Swag Shop can be found HERE
 May 16 2014 12:30:30 pm |
Swag RaffleGood Afternoon Immortals!
Today we have a special raffle going on where you can win a $25 voucher for the Immortal Day Swag Shop!!
Tickets are $50,000 each and you can buy up to 30 tickets to increase your chances of being the winner! Tickets will be on sale May 16th & 17th with the winner drawing on the 18th.
If the winner is a US resident you need to pick swag, changes are prohibited. Outside of the US the winner will get the same value in Tokens.
Good Luck!
 May 15 2014 4:33:02 pm |
Donations Via Google WalletHello Immortals - Although it was not anywhere on my priority list, I recently started looking at Google Wallet, mostly out of curiosity. To my surprise, it looked like something I could easily implement for Immortal Day without a lot of time. As a result, Google Wallet has now been added as a third payment option for players to obtain Donator Tokens. Google Wallet is very similar to Paypal. A link for this can of course be found on the Donator Page. If you have any questions, send me a mail.
 May 1 2014 5:42:33 pm |
Immortal Day Sports BookThe ID Sports book is now Open and can be found on the Explore Page (Under General Links for Mobile Users). The Kentucky Derby is a major Horse race that takes place on Saturday. Betting is now open from now until 5pm Saturday before the race begins. Please make sure to read all the details before betting. The Payouts will be determined by the amount Bet by Immortals, and the horses/jockies they bet on. This is similar to real-world horse racing, but a bit modified for our virtual world. Questions? Try the Forums, I am sure people there will be able to explain things and it helps the game staff avoid question-spam. Thanks.
 April 19 2014 3:40:38 pm |
Stock Market ChallengeI hope everyone is off to a great start here on Immortal Day. The Stock Challenge, which has been offline until now, is now open. It is a monthly competition where all participants start with $1,000,000 in challenge funds to invest in our Immortal Day Stock Market. At the end of every month Immortals who have profited the most are awarded prizes. It can be found via a link in the Stock Market section.
 April 16 2014 12:00:00 am |
Immortal Day Is Now OpenWelcome to the launching of Immortal Day!
The Immortal world has come to conquer the Day with more Species, more Blood and more fun things to do than ever!!
We have stepped up our style and our vision with this super charged text based game of War, Strategy and Role Play.
Welcome to Immortal Day and thank you for helping us make this a strong and vibrant community! We very much hope you enjoy your time here!
- Nikita & Violet The Immortal Day Admin Team
P.S. Report any bugs in the Bugs forum.
 December 31 1969 7:00:00 pm |
Hoppy Easter1617508861